Platform overview
When starting with any new platform, it's important to get yourself oriented and comfortable with where everything lives. Fortunately, Greenspace is simple to use and it's hard to end up in the wrong place. This article provides an overview of the Greenspace Platform and where you can find all the important views and functions.
Home Page (Patient List)
- When you sign into your account, you will automatically be taken to your Patient List. The Patient List provides a summary of all the active patients you currently have associated with your Greenspace account and a snapshot of their progress to date.
From this page you can navigate to a detailed patient record for each of your patients

From this page you can navigate to a detailed patient record for each of your patients
- The Statistics page provides you with a high-level snapshot of your practice.
- You are able to see the impact your are having on patient outcomes, and can filter by assessment type and patient tag to better understand your practice.
- Some therapists also use this outcome data for business development or marketing purposes.
Adding a new patient
- Pressing Add Patient takes you to the page where you can create a new patient to be associated with your Greenspace account.
- When adding a new patient, you can choose:
- Whether the patient should be considered an adult or a child.
- Whether to invite the patient to create their own Greenspace account (or to just use the platform with them during session).
- Their assessments and frequency for each assessment (if you invite the patient to create an account).
- If and when you would like to complete baseline assessments.
Detailed patient records
- From the Patient List, you can navigate to a more detailed record for each of your patients, by pressing Results, Notes, or Manage.
- Pressing any of these links will take you to the patient's detailed patient record.
- From here you can use the sub-navigation tabs to move from page to page and see all of that patient's information
- To access your Settings, click on your name on the top right of the screen, then press Settings.
- From within your Settings, you can:
- Modify your professional information.
- Change the Patient Profile Template.
- View and modify your subscription and payment method.
- Configure your notification settings.
- Choose whether or not to display the results of the therapeutic alliance to patients.
- Modify the content of your invite template that is sent to new patients.
- Create and modify your tags (used to group and categorize patients).
Next Article: Practice before your first patient.