Practice before your first patient
We understand that using a new platform with patients for the first time can be daunting. To help with this, we have made it easy to practice using Greenspace before introducing it to your first patient. The practice outlined below will take approximately 5 minutes to complete.
Step 1: You automatically have a Test Patient available in your account.
- The Test Patient will have your name (the name you created your account with).
- There will be a Test Patient tag automatically assigned, in order to identify it.
Step 2: Add assessments to your Test Patient.
- Press Add Assessment to choose from the list of available assessments.
- Pick three assessments and choose the frequency for each assessment.
Step 3: See when the assessments are scheduled to be delivered.
- Press Manage to navigate to the Manage page, which provides more detail on all currently assigned assessments for your Test Patient.
- Assigned assessments will be delivered to the email address you created your account with.
Step 4: Complete your first assessment.
- Press Complete Now next to any assessment to avoid waiting for the next scheduled delivery and to complete the assessment right away.
- Select the assessment(s) you want to complete and then select the Completion Method. For now, let's choose This Device.
- If you have time later, you can try pressing Email/SMS (which will send the assessment to you by email) and Kiosk (which will generate a unique code to complete the assessment on a separate device).
- When you press Submit, the assessment(s) will automatically display on your screen for completion.
Step 5: Review your results
- After completing the assessment(s), press the Results navigation tab to see the baseline results.
Step 6: Create a progress note
- Press the Notes navigation tab then press Create Note.
- Select the type of note that you would like to create.
- Enter some sample text and press Save.
Step 7: Change or remove your assigned assessments.
- Press the Manage navigation tab to go back to your list of assigned assessments.
- Press the green pencil icon to change the frequency for one of your assessments.
- Press the red X to remove the assessment.
Next Article: How patients participate