Assigning Assessments

Assigning additional assessments to a patient is very simple and can be done at any time throughout the treatment process. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to do it.

Step 1: Go into a patient's file to access their Manage.

Step 2: To add new assessments, click on + Add Assessments.

Step 3: You will be able to select an assessment by sorting through the categories or using the assessment search bar. If you are using the assessment search bar, you can search by assessment name or assessment code.

If you would like to assign a child assessment to your adult patient select Adult Assessments, open the drop-down menu then select Child Assessments.

Step 4: Select the assessment(s) you want to assign by checking the box next to the assessment name.

Step 5: Once you have selected the assesments you wish to add, click on Assign and Schedule to proceed to the next steps to update the frequency and start date for the assessments.

Step 6: To set a schedule up for the assessments, please click here to learn more about next steps on scheduling assessments.

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