Using the Platform With Children and Adolescents

When adding a child or adolescent to the platform, you can also include any parent, guardian, or teacher involved in the child’s treatment to contribute to the client's file. This means that each participant can create an account connected to the child's file on the platform and complete assessments independently. This article provides an overview of how to use the platform with children and adolescents.

1. Adding a child patient

When adding a new child or adolescent to the platform, you can determine whether you would like the patient to complete assessments remotely and/or to be invited to create their own account. If you don't invite them to create an account, they will still be able to complete assessments during a session.

Adding a child patient is similar to adding an adult patient, with a few additional elements:

  • To invite the child or adolescent to create an account, at least one parent must be invited to create an account as well. 
  • You can enter up to three (3) additional participants (ie. parent, guardian, or teacher) to be associated with the child's file.
    • Each participant is invited with their own email address, allowing them to complete assessments and view results

For more details on how to add child patients, click here.

2. Inviting additional participants

Participants can be invited to create an account on the platform on the Add Patient page (as outlined above) or later, after the child patient's file has been created. After the child's file has been created, inviting additional participants can be done on the Manage tab.

  • On the Manage tab, there is a Participant card. This shows you all the participants (parent, guardian, or teacher) currently associated with the child patient. 
  • You can invite any additional participants by entering their names and email.
  • You can also remove any participants if they are no longer involved in the child patient's treatment.

3. Assigning assessments to child patients and participants

Assessments can be assigned separately to the child and any associated participants. This can be done on the Add Patient page when creating the file, or on the Manage tab after the child's file has been created. 

  • You can individually specify the participant who will receive and complete each selected assessment. 
    • For example, a teacher-specific assessment like Child ADHD to be completed by teachers (SNAP-IV 26) can be sent directly to the teacher participant and completed independently, without the parent manually forwarding the assessment email to the teacher.
  • When you select an assessment to be assigned, checkboxes will appear to indicate which participant can be assigned the assessment. 

4. Visibility permissions

Visibility permissions allow you to identify which assessment results each participant should have access to. This is a useful feature for older children and adolescents, where it is not appropriate to provide the parent or guardian with access to the child's assessment responses. This permission setting can be found on the patient's Manage tab in the Participants card.

Types of Visibility

Child Participant Parent/Teacher/Other Participant
Personal A child can only see their own assessments responses The participant can only see their own assessment responses
Personal and Child N/A The participant can see the child's and their own assessment responses
All A child can see their own responses and all other participant assessment responses Participants can see child and all other participant assessment responses
None No assessment responses can be viewed No assessment responses can be viewed

For more information on Visibility permissions, click here.

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