What Happens when you are Matched with a New Client

We understand that there can be some uncertainty as to what to expect before you are matched with your first patient. This article outlines the process of being matched with a patient and what to expects.

Matching Process

1. New Patient Notification - You will receive an email from a member of Greenspace's case management team notifying you that there is a new patient who would be a good fit for your practice. The notification will include the following information about the patient:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Presenting concerns
  • Risk 
  • Client availability
  • Insurance information
  • Additional relevant details

2. Therapist Response - You are expected to respond within 24 hours indicating whether or not you would like to accept the match.

  • Provide appointment options that are at least 2-3 business days in advance.
  • The expectation is that offered appointments are held for 48 hours.
  • If the case manager does not receive a reply from you within 24 hours, the client match will be offered to another therapist.

3. Confirmation of Appointment - The case manager will confirm the appointment with the client, and then send a confirmation email to both client and therapist with the first appointment details.

  • Within 24 hours - The case manager will confirm the appointment with you or indicate that they are still waiting on confirmation from the client.
  • Within 48 hours - The case manager will confirm the appointment with you or indicate that the client has not replied and the appointment times can be released.

4. Profile Access - You are provided access to the client's profile on Greenspace, including the digital intake report, which summarizes the client's completed intake questionnaire.

5. Therapist Confirmation to Client - At least two business days before the appointment, therapists are expected to contact the client (either by phone or email) to confirm the appointment. The client's contact information can be accessed on their Profile tab in Greenspace.

6. First Session - Complete the first session with the client. Payment for the session is completed in accordance with your normal practice.

7. Session Feedback - One to two weeks after the first appointment, the case manager will check in with you to ensure the fit with your practice was appropriate.

8. Future Appointments - All future appointments are coordinated directly between you and the client.

Additional Considerations

  • Phone Consults - If the client wants an initial phone consult, the Greenspace case manager would obtain the client’s consent to share their contact information with the therapist. The therapist would then reach out directly to arrange a phone consult with the client.
  • Ongoing Progress Measurement - We encourage you to use the Greenspace platform to measure progress with clients through treatment, although it is not mandatory. It is the expectation of participating primary care providers, that therapists are regularly measuring progress with matched clients.
  • Sliding Scale Policy - If a sliding scale is requested, we encourage clients to pay the full fee in the initial session, and then discuss directly with the therapist regarding payment for subsequent sessions. Greenspace does not negotiate sliding scales on therapists' behalf.

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